I'm underpaid


Moms especially, I need your help. So I babysit for a family for $200/wk. 8-4 mon-tues, 12-8 on Friday's. However, the mom asked me to come in on Wednesday's and Thursday's 7-11, and Friday's at 7am until 8pm so she can work out before work. She said she'd pay me extra but I didn't specify how much. So I agreed. Take into consideration that I help with dishes, trash, cleaning her house before she gets home, sweeping, helping kids with homework, dinner, getting her kids off the bus, bed time, There's 3 kids... well today was payday and she pays me every 2 weeks. $400... nothing extra..guys that's about $5 an hour. I'm astounded. So I'm mainly asking moms for help but anyone is welcome to answer. How should I approach her about this situation? I'm so bad at speaking up but that's just not right. If you had a babysitter how would you want her to approach you if you underpaid her?