Really hurt


All last week my boyfriend has barely texted or called. Hes 20. Im 16. And im 16 weeks pregnant today. We had a huge fight friday and had an emotional break through. Then saturday night he went to a concert with his friends and didnt cone back over after he said he would. So we fought and then i talked to his dad and his brothers girlfriend. Then i talked to him. We were on the phone till 2 and we were fine. Then yesterday he came over after work and I’ve been depressed lately. He said we were still together but it feels different. Ya know? And he dropped me of at home yesterday kissed me goodbye and promised me he would text me and call me at 10 when he got home. Well he stopped texting and i called his friends and they weren’t with him or they said they weren’t. The last text he sent me was 6:49 last night. And no call or anything. His dad didnt even know where he was... ive been balling all night... and i dont know what to do...