Month 4!

Holly • Wife to an amazing husband 🧔🏻 Mama to two sweet and spunky little boys 👦🏼👶🏼💙

Hoping the stars align for us this time! Last month I started using OPKs because I suspected Glow was off on its prediction - and I was right - by almost a week! Pretty important difference! I also had no clue what I was doing with them last month, so I feel like we didn't hit the window properly based on my surge.. really hoping we hit it this time. Plus, it was our anniversary this week (25th), my husband had just got back from a weeklong biz trip so we were really excited to be with each other, and we had an awesome mini getaway this weekend in NYC - complete with plenty of reconnecting and love. I feel like there were so many positive things going on, this has to be our month!!! Fingers and toes all crossed 🤞🏼