Just wish he would appreciate me more..

Don't get me wrong, my boyfriend is a doll. He's there for me emotionally. He'll pick me up and take me everywhere (currently I can't drive because of a condition affecting my vision). Just sometimes he's a little selfish. For example he was at work and I was at home. He sent me a text on his way back saying "I hope you're in the mood for pizza" I thought he was a sweetheart like 'Awww he's buying me pizza' and I said I was totally in the mood. His reply was "good, because I just had pizza and I'm bringing you the crusts". Thought he was joking. He wasn't. Genuinely got crusts and garlic sauce 😑 Then I go all out with the saucy undies and whatnot to appeal to his eyeballs, and he doesn't even look..he just takes them off. I love him, and he's great in so many other aspects. But these little things bug me 😣