AF feels different ....


Hey! Just wanted to see if anyone was experiencing this...

My periods are usually 4 days;

Day 1 - light red

Day 2 - really heavy red

Day 3 - medium red

Day 4 - spotting red

My last period was;

Day 1 - brown only when wiping

Day 2 - brown, slight red light

Day 3 - red, only filled one tampon (tmi)

Day 4 - gone

The strange thing is I didn’t bleed through the night which is usually do. Since it finished my boobs have hurt, they feel heavy and full, my backaches, I’ve felt waves of nausea randomly throughout the day and I’m so emotional 😫.

Could it have been implantation? I’m too scared to test and build myself up again. I just want to know if any experiences different periods each month or if they had implantation but thought it was their period... HELP!!