Anxiety disorder

So i have an anxiety disorder & i was free from it like a year & a half or so without medication i just did it on my own. Around February or so i got an panic attack because i was around ppl i didn't know & i didn't have gum which is what helps me from having a panic attack since i get them feeling like im chocking & so they make me gag. Ever since my anxiety just started increasing & taking control of my life, i double think about even seeing my boyfriend or just leaving the house in general. Im afraid of not being able to overcome it again, i feel bad for even having a boyfriend & making him go through all of this, i feel like he should be with someone else where he don't gotta be trapped & dealing with my issues. I think of my future having anxiety & not being able to even find a husband, has someone gone through this & has overcome it? I tried counseling & she would just tell me to switch my thoughts into something positive like that doesn't solve my issue if so ppl wouldn't suffer from this & its hard for me to afford counseling since mostly everyone charges $100+