Well I’m out this month. I was so confident so this one stings. A LOT. She came early, 2 days early but it was a lot of fun trying. Baby dust to you all still in the fight!! ❤️❤️❤️
Sounds like you ovulated early. It happens but you can ovulate right after Af. That’s why I don’t wait so long to test during my cycle I start testing the day Af goes away. Most women don’t know it, but you can ovulate early and miss it by waiting so many days past Af
Well I got mine on amazon. It’s called healthywiser! 50hcg test 50 LH tests and 100 test cups for $11.99 but the prices always fluctuate!
Thelma Marie • Oct 31, 2017
Thank you!! How much do those OPK’s cost and how many are in a box?
Posted at
I think I need to fine tune when I ovulate or start using OPK’s cause according to this app before I logged the start of this new cycle my fertile window was from 13-19 and now it says 12-18. And when you think about it that’s a big difference when you have a 24 hour window.