Clomid after 10 years!!

Mrs. Queen A

Hi everyone! Well my hubby and I went to our new obgyn today and it went very very well! We are newlyweds (6months on 11/8) but have been knowing one another 20 years since jr. high and are trying for our first child/children together! I have a soon to be 10 year old son I got pregnant with on my 3rd round of Clomid from my ex. Also twins boys that are angel babies from 3rd round of Clomid. My hubby has no children and we are excited to start trying...he even started fertility blend for men today after our visit...well we have been trying and I don't have regular ovulation due to irregular periods, so it's been all negative test. After years of looking for a new ob I have finally found one that cares and is patient. After not getting pregnant for months really years my doc decided to give me clomiphene citrate 50mg to start next cycle with my hubby!!🙏🙏🙏🤗🤗🤗 I was so happy and shocked he decided to give me them as it has been hard TTC naturally! Also 10 years almost since I had a newborn,lol....we both are 35 and I thought by now I wouldn't want anymore but being newly married changed that and both hubby, son and I have baby fever lol... patiently waiting but excited to start my new Clomid journey with my hubby!! Praying for positive pregnancy test soon.... amazing how life changes🙏❤️🤗👼👶👶👶👰🤵🌹🤰🤰