Feeling down


Hey guys. I am usually pretty good about this but I am feeling a little down today. Two of my friends got married last weekend and I just felt like I was not going anywhere. I recently posted about a guy that asked me out and he asked me what I liked to do and I had no answer. My life is just about class, work, my ministry and I should find joy in all of this but I feel like my life is the most boring in the world. I haven’t done a fun thing with a group of friends in a while. I feel unwanted and uncomfortable with the people around me. Mind you they don’t say it but I feel left out in everything. I don’t know if I am making sense but I just am not seeing how my life is going. I feel like I am just surviving and not loving. Yes I guess that’s my thing. How do I start living? I am 23 years old. I haven’t spent time with people my age in five years and they are all doing something. Maybe I am just looking at social media and just eating all the faces they are showing me. I just be believing what they want me to see. I just feel so bored. I want to feel young again. How do I do that? Some advice will be such a help. I am sorry if I am not making sense.