Kra • mommy of 2 boys👣

So today I got my first sonogram..10/31

Now let's back track to 10/12

I went for my yearly chkup/paps all that good stuff which they also did routine blood work which included a hcg pregnancy test... finally I heard back and all of my result were negative on 10/19....skip fwd to 10/24 (my moms bday) (the day my period is due) I'm talking to her and she all of a sudden goes "I think I'm having granny fever now) 😂

And for the past week I've been having flue like symptoms but no pms which I always get.. not thinking I'm pregnant because I just had a blood test and was told it was negative...

still 10/24 TMI- I wiped and had a small amount of spotting.. I've never had spotting in my life except when my period is ending lol. So I decide to get a pregnancy test because my period is like clock work it has to be something..POSITIVE test in 10/24...called dr on 10/25 to schedule appointment and discuss who's blood they tested because it wasn't mine lol.. and I get there and they argue with me saying I can't be pregnant. And my dr is real smart ass so he says come on let's do a sonogram and prove it. I didnt notice the bed with the things you prop your legs up on when they do a paps... so I ask " aren't you supposed to do vaginal since its early"? And he says "no not today we just need to take a quick look because I know it's not possible." PSHHHH as soon as he put the sonogram scanner on my stomach he screamed "oooohhh" (scared the HELL out of me and my husband and the other nurse In the room) 😂

And he goes " oh my god I didn't expect to see it so soon it's like right there you are soooo pregnant" 😂 anyway this is to give you ladies some hope.. I suffer from 2 previous miscarriages and I'm hoping this is it.. take a look at my little lentil❤️❤️