Schizoaffective disorder, epileptic, single, 40 and TTC


So I have posted on here before how I am single, 40 and TTC.

It’s a little more complicated than that though. I have schizoaffective disorder and am epileptic. None of these really affect my day to day life. I take my meds and I carry on as normal.

I work as an IT manager looking after a team of 80 people, and am incredibly independent. I live in my own house and am fully capable of managing everything in my life.

Yet I go to my doctor and say I want to have a baby on my own. The responsible thing right. You should plan your pregnancy, right? Especially when you have medical conditions, so that’s what I do.

She suggests <a href="">IUI</a>.

Then I go to the fertility clinic and then they say I need a letter from both the psychiatrist and neurologist to confirm that I am fit and healthy to be a mother. I have not seen either the psychiatrist or neurologist for over four years as I have been stable that they discharged me from their care.

Neither of them will confirm whether I am fit or healthy enough to be a mother. The fertility clinic say that before they can do <a href="">IUI</a> they must have this information from the doctors as they have to meet the HFEA guidelines for insemination with donor sperm.

So I am in a bit of a stuck situation. I think it’s a bit off that they need this signed confirmation that I am fit and healthy before they proceed with treatment. It sucks.

I’m really finding it difficult to find my way through this. I feel I am being punished just because I have these conditions. ☹️