Borderline Gestational Diabetes— RUDE Dr


Soooo I had my glucose test done about a week and a half ago. My numbers came back slightly elevated. My dr then referred me to a nutritionist who then told me I need to be testing my blood 4 times a day and tracking the numbers. She then proceeded to give me a list of foods I can eat... literally nothing.

For example.... She suggested for breakfast that I have 1 piece of toast w/ PB and a glass of milk or I could have 1/2 cup of plain oatmeal, none of the apple cinnamon kind and I cannot add anything to it.

Lunch and dinner are basically the same, very limited options (at least from what this nutritionist told me).

I had the breakfast she suggested and was still extremely hungry after so I had 1/2 a yogurt. So when she asked me why I added the 1/2 cup of yogurt to my breakfast i explained, I am 7 months pregnant and a piece of toast isn’t satisfying. She then reprimanded me like I was a child.

I am getting so frustrated because my score was slightly elevated and they said they can’t confirm that it is gestational diabetes but they want to monitor my numbers so that it doesn’t end up turning into that.

Everything I have googled (my score included) says that as long as I eat healthy then I should be ok. But this “diet” she has put me on is unrealistic especially when 7 months pregnant. I feel so torn because I know that GD is a serious matter and can seriously affect the baby and that’s the last thing I want to do. I am trying really hard to abide by these dietary rules but it seems impossible.

Anyone have any suggestions??