Placental tear

BeautyMommy • I love my family

So I'm 7w4d with my second child. I started having light spotting the other night that lasted for about 15 hours. I went into the hospital just to have everything checked out. I wasn't convinced I was having a mc because the bleeding wasn't severe. The u/s showed a tear between the placenta and uterian wall. If it gets any worse it will end up in an abruption and I'll lose the baby.

In my first pregnancy I had a full abruption at 34 weeks and had an emergency c-section. Luckily the pregnancy was already stable and the baby mature by the time this happened so I wasn't worried about her not making it.

I'm terrified that this time it will happen too soon and that this will be a recurring complication with all my future pregnancies.

I'm just looking for support. Does anyone else have this problem/fear or have you had this happen in a previous pregnancy?