Whats Love, Without Pain


Being Pregnant Really Changes A Persons Life! Especially your first Time Round. You go Through so many courses Of Regret! And Life seems so Pale! Well to me it does. You go From Coping, To not Coping At All.

But hey, At the End, Everything you went through in pregnancy won't Exist! The Pain, The mixed Emotions, The craziness, EVERYTHING!! You wish never happened while or during pregnancy. Its not Going to Exist in the End.

Because you Will be Staring at A New Beginning, Your Heart will Get to Feel New Love! New Happiness, A sight Worth Seeing! The End of pregnancy, Is the New Beginning Of Life! It Is All Worth it At the End! Where Your Miracle Babies Will be Held in Your Hands! I think Pregnancy is so Beautiful How it Works! Pain Comes and Goes, Love Stays Forever. What's Love without Pain.