Hey Babygirl


I've never posted anything on here. Especially since I keep seeing how negative some people can be but I've really enjoyed reading other people's birth stories so I decided I'd share mine.

I was due Oct 24 but the Friday before on the 20th I was taking my plate to the kitchen sink and felt some liquid come out in my panties. I was confused and thought wow did I really just pee myself ? I have a 4 yr old but the dr broke my water at the hospital with him. Anyways, I go to the bathroom expecting to see more water but nothing. I didn't feel weird or anything. My obgyn had said when my water breaks it would be running down my legs or like a leaky faucet. So I just took a shower. It had been a long day and I just wanted to go to bed. I came out of my hot shower. I went to my room in my towel and I sit down and more water. Okay at this point I knew I couldn't be peeing myself so I called labor and delivery. They told me to monitor myself for an hr and if it continued to call back. So I did because by the time the hr was up I had soaked my underwear and my pajamas. It was 230am. My boyfriend and my mother of course wanted to tag along and myself all went to the hospital. I didn't have any pain or anything I was sure they'd tell me not yet honey false alarm go home. To my surprise that's not what they said at all and boy did reality hit me that I'd leave the hospital with a baby in my arms. I hadn't told my son where I was going he was asleep at the time but I remained calm. I knew my son was with my dad and if baby was ready to come I was as ready as I'd be. They confirmed my water was ruptured and the nurses gave me a pill to start active labor. Not too long after the contractions started. The nurse came in and asked if I felt them. I said uh huh. She tells me are you sure you don't want to try natural you're having contractions and not even flinching. I said ohh no I'm telling myself to breathe and stay strong I know it gets worse than this. Fast forward they had moved me to a delivery room and the contractions were coming every 2 minutes. I was trying to be strong but it was one of those situations where you hold back the tears so hard but as soon as one escapes it's a wrap you're a mess and can't hold back anything you're full on ugly crying. Well the nurse says do you want me to check you to see where we're at ? I said yesss. She checks me and I can not begin to explain my disappointment when she says you're about 2.5 cm. I had been 2cm since my last regular appointment. I could not be in that much pain and only have progressed half a cm! How I felt must have been all over my face bc the nurse tells me not to worry because after that it would all go fast. A little while went by I got my epidural and surprise surprise I still felt my contractions. With my son the epidural was magical and I was able to sleep. Not this time. So there I was watching Maleficent in the dark as my mom and boyfriend got some sleep. About 2 hrs go by and I start telling the nurse I think I have to poop. She goes no you don't you can't get out of bed it must be the baby coming down. I swore up and down that I had to poop bc I really felt if I pushed I'd either poop or fart on the dr and I didn't want to be part of either of those situations. After a while they say okay let me check you again. 10cm! The nurse says great do you want to push I thought to myself I made it game time let's go. 11 minutes later little miss Selena Ariani was born. I am obsessed with my little girl. My son loves her and their dad loves her. It melts my heart to see him holding her.