Failure of a wife


I feel like such a failure of a wife. Endometriosis and the multitude of surgeries and treatments I’ve tried and still in pain 24/7 with painful sex... so obviously we would have sex more if I wasn’t so broken I can’t even have a good bang once and a while (let alone often) without making him worry so much about hurting me or being so tight that it hurts him...

Seriously,stupid lady parts! Argh so freaking mad at them and myself!

so of course that decreases the odds of pregnancy so even if it’s not the Endo keeping it from happening I’m sure the lack of sex due to those issues is enough to keep us from conceiving. Instead I selfishly wanted to get another dog to keep ours company and distract me from my failure which is just more for him to deal... great job me

Just go ahead and selfish to failure to make my man feel the love and pride they get out of having a child and family. Oh endometriosis you fucking suck.. sorry for the language I had some wine and my filter is Out The Door 🚪

Sometimes I just wish I could disappear into a black hole. F you Endo, f you.


One pissed off Endo warrior/(screwup?)