Am I wrong for being so emotional?

I’m currently 36 weeks pregnant and my entire my pregnancy my mom has been telling me that she’s not going to make me a baby shower. This whole time I’ve been thinking she was just saying that because she wanted to surprise me. Although this is my 3rd child my youngest, my son, is 7 years old and my daughter is 10. I’m having a girl and couldn’t feel more blessed to have another baby girl on the way..well mid way through my pregnancy my aunt (moms sister) got diagnosed with breast cancer. She under went surgery and is currently going through chemo. After this happened my mom continued telling me that she wasn’t going to make me a baby shower because of my aunts situation, and even though I LOVE my aunt dearly and feel for her situation of course, I just don’t understand why my parents can’t make me a baby shower still. Even typing this makes me feel so guilty and selfish but I just can’t help but feel sad. My cousin which is my aunts daughter is also pregnant and I know deep down she’ll get one and I don’t know if that’s what bothers me or if it’s my only child syndrome coming out and I’m being a brat. I haven’t expressed my feelings with anyone except my husband just because I feel stupid for feeling this way but I honestly feel that everyone should be happy her surgery went well and has a very high percentage of being ok and beating this. Btw my mother in law did make me a baby shower this passed weekend but only a couple people showed up which kinda made me feel worse..only because the family that always shows up from my husbands side, didn’t. I feel alone and sad.