First ultrasound... not what I was expecting!


UPDATE 11/8: 3rd round of HCG is 700. Slow rising.. but it’s better!

UPDATE 11/6: Just got a call from Doctor. In 44 hours, my hcg only rose up 120 numbers or so. Ultrasound #2 tomorrow!

Hi ladies! First time mom here. We got our BFP on October 25th (hooray!) and we’re just so happy. My LMP was Sept12-14th. I had tested and tested with HPT starting around the day I missed my period. (October 14th-ish) Negative, negative, negative. Until I gave it a shot on the 25th and BAM! Positive. I since then have peed on at least 10 tests.

Here’s where things got tricky... went in yesterday for my “7 week” ultrasound... with nothing but what they think is the start of the gestational sac. I’m sent for blood work and hcg is showing 363. Doctor now says maybe I am not as far along as I thought and only 2-3 weeks pregnant. I got back tomorrow to ensure levels are rising.

Please, has anyone ever had this experience? Is it possible that I ovulated 3- 3 and half weeks after my LMP? If so, I got pregnant on luck! That’s for sure.

Thanks ladies! Baby dust to you all!