Late ovulation on Clomid?

Alexandria • Wife 7/3/11💍 Mommy to Mila 2/20/19 👧🏻 + Eleanor 11/23/21 👶🏻

I have started clomid for the first time this month. I thought I ovulated on 10/25 because I got a positive opk and I had full ferning. That would make me 9dpo. I have never had ewcm ever and today I noticed I had tons of it. Hubby and I did bd last night but i have never had left over stuff like this before. I also and having cramps in my lower abdomen too. Is it possible I am ovulating right now at cd24?

Here are a couple of hpt I have been taking


Went home last night and took a opk and it was positive so I’m pretty sure I’m actually ovulating at cd24! I guess a late ovulation is better then no ovulation!