Exorcisms? (Read Description)

Grey • I cannot escape this app hell. Here for tracking only. Anti-porn. Anti-religion (thanks Eli!). Anti-kink.

Okay, so priests still preform exorcisms. (Wild)

I’ve been listening to the Black Tapes podcast (creepy as hell, you should listen to it). And in the fourth or fifth episode they discuss exorcisms. The priest they speak to states, “science has no place when discussing the soul” or something along those lines. He then goes on to say, they need to be cleared by medical doctors before they can preform an exorcism. The journalist and her producer could not find any medical professionals that cleared this. The priest claims the people who do have mental health issues are possessed by demons. When the journalist questioned this, he claimed she had a problem with religion.

The black tape (the unsolved paranormal investigations) shows a 12-year-old little girl out of her mind, screaming and thrashing, being held down by four large men. She’s screaming, like, well, like she’s possessed, and lifts the men off of her multiple times. The sound of glass shattering is heard, the girl is quiet and a man states the demon is gone. But that’s off topic.

So, the poll question is: do you believe exorcisms can cure mental health problems?

Second question: do you believe people can be possessed?

And bonus story time! One of my neighbours had a priest preform an exorcism on her boyfriend. It was crazy, lots of screaming and the priest screaming the power of Christ compels you and throwing holy water at him strapped to a chair.

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