Food poisoning or sign of labor


So I feel fine all day and after picking up our niece and cousin from a football game we grab Dairy Queen. I get a plain cheeseburger and eat it on the way home. 2-3 hours later I’m throwing it all up and then some multiple times. However, flashback to 10 years ago when I had my first child(this is my second) I had to pain(I have a high tolerance) didn’t think I was in labor but started throwing up and it just didn’t seem right. I went to the hospital was dilated to a 7 and in active labor.

Now, I’m concerned it might be the same thing. But I just had my doctors appointment Tuesday and I’m not dilated and he said I still have at least a week or two. I’m at 37+3 right now. I’m just so ready for this baby to be here but I just have a lot of the same symptoms now that I did with my daughter; diarrhea, throwing up, can’t sleep, restless legs, I also started swelling today. Is this all crazy or normal?