Isaiah Gray is finally here

Isaiah Gray is finally here! Born November 3rd, 2017! 6 days before our due date! 8lbs 1.9 oz and 19 inches long. 
So now that those facts are all out of the way; I feel like I should share my birth story.
Not all of them are bad or horrible! But I will say none of them can be pleasant. Thursday, all day I start having some light bleeding when I was urinating. Braxton Hicks like crazy, which was more annoying than anything. Everyone I ever talked to said I'd know when I was in labor, I really didn't know. The excruciating contractions everyone talked about? The knowable difference? Nope none of that.
Woke up at around 2:30 am and I started to see that the light bleeding that had gone away was starting to come back. Then I was up probably every 30 minutes needing to pee. The light bleeding never went away, saw small chunks of mucus plug being lost in the toilet and thought well, I probably have a day? He'll be born Saturday, I was also planning to clean all of Friday! 4 am rolls around and I see this bright red stripped mucus and I obviously take a picture, wake up my mom and make sure everything is okay. She immediately says that's labor but normal and goes back to sleep. So I go to time my contractions, both back and front contractions, not fun! I wake up my husband and let him know what's going on and then I went to shower. Between contractions I washed my hair and body, brushed my teeth and then I went to clean my room. My husband was helping me time and they went from every few minutes to every 6-8 minutes and then back to ever 4-5 minutes and lasted longer and longer. Finally my husband had to force me to wake someone else up to help with our 3 year old, (my stepdaughter) and then head to the hospital. From that 3 minutes car ride I had one contraction on the way into the truck and one on the way out. So once labor and delivery got us all checked in they took us back to a room where I was dilated to a 2 and having constant contractions. The nurse came in after calling my doctor and said I'll come back, check you in 2 hrs and if you aren't progressing you'll be sent home. Which almost put me in tears. 
An hour and 15 minutes goes by, and she comes to check me, I've gone up to a 3! 
We start calling family to come up there, and they are admitting me. By that time I waited for my mom to get there and then I got an epidural. (The epidural was amazing and didn't hurt much.) Well, then they start giving me pitocine, and fluids and other drugs. Within an hour and 45 minutes I was up to a 4! Then about an hour or so later I went straight up to a 7! Then an hour after that I was feeling so much pressure I had them check me and I was at a 9 1/2! Almost go time! 2:30 pm rolls around and the doctor finally comes in and says yup! She's ready to push! So there we go! Spent about 2 hrs total pushing and he was born! 
I had been so ready to have my little man! Had sex, walked, used the exercise ball and the only one to determine when he'd be born was him. Don't rush mommas! They will all be here soon! And if you plan to not have an epidural I applaud you! You and any other mom that goes without meds are seriously amazing! I couldn't imagine it! I was on drugs and the pressure still made me scream and punch my husband a few times in the arm.
Good luck to all the new moms, and moms having their next baby! As well as the moms that are still patiently waiting! They will get here soon enough!