TTC and anti-depressants.

Looking for some first hand experience on this subject. I’m working closely with my doctor on the subject of my husband and and I having a baby. Over the last few months I have slowly gotten off my mood stabilizer (lamotrigine) due to it causing birth defects. I’m also on SSRI citalopram aka celexa. We have not been actively TTC because of my medication. The chances of the SSRI having a effect on the baby is a huge scary thing for me. To the point that I’ll avoid risky sex (ie fertile window even with condoms). Anyways, I would love some first hand experiences and advice on this subject.

Did you go off all medication to conceive? Did your doctor keep you on medication because the risk of going off outweighed the benefits? Did you go off until giving birth and then chose not to breast feed so you could go back on medication?

Any other thoughts on this subject?

Thank you.