Help anyone’s advice please!

So my last period was October 3rd, it lasted for four days and after that my so and I had sex two days after my period ended, the 14th I got sick, with what I thought was the flu, I’ve been tired bloated and having altered sense of smell. A few days ago I had heavy cervical discharge , and expected to start my period on November 1st and I haven’t gotten it yet. I took a test and it was negative but still no period... has anyone actually turned out to be pregnant, and didn’t show a positive on a hpt a few days after your expected period? Any advice and comments would be greatly appreciated. I also have had irregular periods before, but October’s period was a week early. So I’m kind of wondering if I’m pregnant and I just don’t have enough hcg levels to show just yet....

Also I have heard that you can ovulate early and end up falling pregnant right after your period. Is this true?