I Sent him out!!


He guys!

I’m 21 and a senior in college and I transferred from my last school about a year ago.

There was this guy I was friends with but not toooo aquatinted with. Anyway after talking to him over social media, I found out that he transferred too. We have a lot in common so after a while he asked me to hang out with him. We both like traveling and site seeing, so he asked me to dinner and then go on a hike.

The first time and cancelled, but today we met up for the first time.

We ended up just getting take out and (he bought it)... and going back to my place. This was nice and we talked a lot we then both smoked some weed and he started getting touchy. And kept suggesting we kiss.

I was confused because we had such a great time hanging out. Anyway I told him he needed to go. I had a lot of work to do in the morning.

He kept staring at me and acting like he couldn’t hear me. He kept making excuses and saying he was really high. I kept being nice and saying “you go”. But he wouldn’t get up. I felt bad because we are kinda friends and he did buy my food, but I wasn’t about it when he kept touching me. I wasn’t in the mood.

Finally he left. I just feel bad that he was high and I felt like he was nice but I think I did he right thing