First Time Dad



First Time Dad here to a perfect baby boy. He is a whole 4 days old 😲. I have two questions.

How do y’all deal with the crying? Typically rocking, holding, feeding takes care of him but we all know the times nothing seems to help. I have a short fuse already and when I can’t fix what could be wrong with him it’s pretty tough.

Second is sleeping. As of now our little guys is sleeping anywhere from none to about 3 hours. I will typically let momma go to bed and I’ll stay up until early in the morning and let her take over. Which as I sit here tonight waiting on little man to wake up doesn’t make sense to me. We should both be in bed and wake up when needed. But I absolutely hate going to sleep and waking up ten minutes later I would much rather stay awake until she is up to take over. Anyone else go through this dilemma?

Thanks for the help!