Downward spiral - how to solve this?


I have 3.5 weeks old twins. I’ve been breastfeeding or pumping and bottle feeding breast milk mostly, with little supplementation (3-4 oz a week per baby). Then the unexpected happened - my pump broke and I was without it for 6 days. I breastfed on demand. Half the time the babies would be happy with their meal and sleep 3-4 hours afterward. The other half of the times one or both would demand more food. I tried to use the manual pump, and half-way through the waiting for my pump replacement I got the insurance covered Roscoe Viverity pump. That Roscoe pump is pathetic, I preferred doing manual pumping to using that pump. So, when babies kept asking for food, if I happened to have pumped milk they would get that. If not - which was a lot more often - I would give them formula.

The reason I’m writing is that it seems like they get more and more formula every day! Now it’s more like 3-5 oz per day per baby, and I don’t see how to break the cycle!

I got my pump back and am pumping every 2 hours today. I still breastfeed them. But even with that I still have to supplement.

Maybe I’m doing something wrong? Maybe I’m wrong that they are hungry? But they are frantically trying to latch onto anything next to their mouths! What else can that be?

I’m scared about my supply. It was barely enough before all the pump problems, what if I damaged it more? But I’ve been breastfeeding on demand, so I hoped this will keep the supply. But I have no clue if it did.

Can this be a growth spurt? Or is my supply is really getting down so much that they don’t get as much as before from me and that’s why they eat more formula?