My Mom vs Husband (WWE)

OMG! So I need your view on this right ladies.
Me and my husband have been going through some shit right and I'm 39 weeks pregnant. My mom just flew in from a different province to help me with the kid and the husband is still in a different province.
So my husband wants to be there for the birth of the baby and I am fine with it because it's HIS child at the end of the day and I should not use the child as a pawn to use it against him - NO MATTER WHAT SHIT IS HAPPENING BETWEEN US.
But now my mom is here in my house and refuses for my husband to be around and she's calling him all sorts of names & it's her view honestly but I need to do what's right.
So I told my husband , look you can come for the birth and that's that. My mom is just not having it saying she won't live with him under the same roof because his a liar blah blah blah - she's not wrong but it's his child. So my mom is threatening to leave and go back to her home because she hates my husband .
I love her she's my mom but this has nothing to do with personal issues and differences - ITS ABOUT THE CHILD. 
Quite frankly she needs to respect my decision even if she may not agree. If she wants to leave I will help her but I don't need this negativity especially if it's coming from her.
She's is overly into my relationship and part of it is my fault because I share a lot with her but she must understand - it's my relationship and my child 🤷‍♀️
I think I made the right decision... but intrestes to hear your views on this.