Loudest baby ever


My baby is 7 weeks old. He is also the loudest baby known to man. When he's laid down alone, he grunts, squeaks, squeals, snores, strains, you name it, he does it. I can't stand it. I thought babies were supposed to be peaceful sleepers but he is never, ever peaceful. He is also incredibly loud when he eats, with the same kinds of noises. He has acid reflux that my doctor refuses to treat, saying he'll grow out of it, and he was also 3 weeks early, if that means anything, but is this normal? Will it ever stop? I can't sleep because I'm scared something is wrong, even though we've been to the pediatrician like ten times already, and to the lactation specialist. At night he gets so congested, it makes it a million times worse, but the doctor says it's probably just because his nostrils are small. I don't know what to think. Anyone?