When to tell family?

Alli • Grace 10-8-18 ❤️❤️

So I’m 4w 5d and my appointment is 12/4. I was going to wait till Christmas to tell our family’s but then I had a thought. I’m quitting work (last day will be right before Thanksgiving) due to my morning sickness being so bad. So I’ll loose my insurance. My husband hasn’t put me on his yet cuz the plan was to add me and baby once we’re here since I’ll still be double insured and his job won’t allow that. I’m on my parents plan still since I’m under 26 and had already talked to them about using it for when I was pregnant and they were fine with it. My concern is I don’t want them to find out through insurance that I’m pregnant before I get a chance to tell them, but I also want to go to the doctor first to confirm it before we tell them. Should we just tell them immediately after the appointment before bills start showing up? Anyone have an idea? I’m terrible at trying to decide things like this right now lol

Also, my mom has breast cancer and is going through chemo and days 10-16 after the treatment is her lowest immunity so she has to be careful about even seeing us, and of course that time falls right around the appointment so I have to keep that in mind too