Breastfeeding help


I'm a ftm and just had my son and so far have been breastfeeding for a week. In the hospital I felt very confident with feedings but now I find myself very frustrated and overwhelmed.

It takes a few tries sometimes to get the right latch and sometimes when I think I have the right latch it still hurts a little. I know it's not supposed to hurt but after de-latching him a few times I think I am becoming a bit tender. Then sometimes he eats every 2 hours, sometimes 3 hours, and sometimes 1-1.5 hours! I have been switching from left to right after every feeding, I do one at a time. The problem is if I feed him on one and then an hour and half later he is acting like he wants to eat again (crying, putting fingers in his mouth, mouthing etc) I give him the other breast, he eats for a few minutes and then stops. So do I switch to the next breast at the next feeding or do I use the same breast because he barely ate from it the last time?

Not sure how much longer I will continue to breastfeed but while I am I would love to hear from anyone with any advice on this.