Twin boys have arrived!


I went into labor Thursday at 35+2 and had an emergency C-section since both boys were breech and trying to come out (dilated to a 4) baby A weighing 4.10 and baby B weighing 4.5

My baby B is doing awesome. His name is Weston and he hasn’t had any problems other than typical things that com with being a late pre-term such as eating and regulating body temp.

My baby A is Nate, and he’s not doing as well. Both boys came out screaming but Nate decided to quit breathing and has had a problem ever since. His little lungs were way to premature and now he’s got small holes leaking air into places in his chest cavity. They tried to let him heal on his own with just a C-pap machine and no stimulation but after almost a full day of that he didn’t improve. They ended up putting a tube in his chest to drain out the air and he seems to just be stable now. Nothing has really changed and I can’t hold him or really touch him.

Weston is doing so good the more I bond with him the more depressed I am about not being able to help his brother. My husband has been so supportive and helpful but I’m just super sad on the inside right now and needed to vent. There’s not much we can do other than wait and pray.

Here’s a pic from my maternity shoot. I literally just got these back the day I went into labor.