I just don’t understand.

L•M•S • Married & Momma of 2.❤️☺️

Why is it that my husband and his family look down on me for being a stay at home mom? Like I told him I enjoyed staying at home with our son right now, (27 weeks pregnant so it would be hard to find a job anyway for just a month and a half or 2 months).. he laughed in my face. His mom got livid at me last night cause I was ready to leave her house cause my husband his mom and fiancé was drunk and it was 1am. My son wasn’t with us. But I was tired and I couldn’t breathe well and had to drive 30-35 minutes Home. I feel like a failure for not having a job. I feel every day that I can’t support my son ( I don’t get child support from my sons dad he’s 1,000$+ behind and I can’t afford to take him to court right now). My husbands sister is also a stay at home mom and they don’t treat her like they do me.. i’m unhappy, I dont want to feel like a failure. My MIL got so mad cause I wanted to leave at 1 am she literally cried, and said “he busts his ass every day at work”. I felt about an inch tall. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to feel. How can my husband be so blinded at all I do for us. I cook, clean, go and pay all the bills, i’m fortunate to have a mom that helps me when times get rough cause I also take her places and do a lot for her too. I make sure his clothes are washed, his food is warm and I make sure he is felt loved. And the only person who makes me feel loved is my son. I dont know what i have to do anymore to get a positive comment on what I do. I’m by no means putting myself up on a high horse, but I do what I can. I held a job up until a week ago, I had to leave cause I was getting 4 hours a week at 8$ an hour and that wasn’t even paying my gas. Plus my sugar kept dropping and I’d nearly pass out, my job was 100% understanding but I left on my own cause I don’t want to risk falling and hurting me and the baby. And nobody will hire a 7 month pregnant person that will only be able to work the next 2 months tops.. I feel anger and hurt that my husband put me down and his family does too. I dont know what I need to do, i’m just so over it.