what I found on my fiancès phone

My OH been acting strange all day. He's been all withdrawn and moody and eventually he falls asleep on the sofa

I feed our son and put him to sleep, and do a little washing up feeling a little upset that I can't help him feel better

then I hear his phone go off a few times upstairs

so I run up in hope of some clues to why he's feeling so down (He speaks to his mom a lot)

and I find a message from his friend about the gym

but then I see a picture of a girl with big fake boobs that his friend sent him

and then I think okay don't get too angry, and read through a few more messages.... It's his friends new girlfriend

Then they get on the discussion of boobs

and I'm like yeah yeah yeah whatever

and his friend starts talking about how having a baby 'ruined' his exes

so now I'm real pissed

then I see my fiances reply "oh no it's made Rosie's even better they're so big and juicy now I love them 😍"

and now I'm like

my man knows

then I hear him coming up the stairs

so i throw his phone across the room and I'm like

He says "baby do you know where my phone is?" and I am like

and then 'try to help him find it'

he eventually does, and unlocks his screen to the middle of his conversation from 2 days back

and he smirks at me and asks If I'd been on his phone

and he starts laughing and then reassures me that he's got no interest in his friends girls boobs and that he is lucky he's got a big natural pair to play with