video game addiction?

my husband spends alot of time playing xbox. we have his son from a previous relationship 2 weeks out of month, and we have a son that is ours. i stay st home. i take care of bills, shopping, cleaning, planning, the childrens needs ( changing diapers, baths, food, bedtime, everything), cooking, etc. the only thing my husband does is work 7-5pm monday-friday. as soon as he gets home from work he gets on his game. he cant even watch the kids while i cook dinner. it has completely consumed his life. he stays up until 11 or midnight most nights. and on weekends its till about 1-2 am. today he got on this morning and has been playing since telling me he will be off soon to spend time with us.( thats a lie) he talks to his friends on a headset too so hes completely immersed in the game. if you try to talk to him he gets pissed off. he was supposed to watch our son while i cooked lunch today. well he didnt, my son found some small pieces of something on the floor since we had family here all day yesterday. he was trying to eat it and i got pissed and yelled at my husband " thanks for watching him". then the whole time we were at the table eating he would run over and fuck aroumd on his game for a second. this happened 3 -4 times in one meal. i literally cater to him. i cooked breakfast, and lunch. cleaned all dishes that he leaves on the table and put our son down for a nap. i have tried talking to him about it amd he gets pissed and it causes a huge fight no matter how i try to approach it. we have also tried counselling. individual and couples. im tired of basically living alone. he spends no time with us unless we have company. im finding it really hard to have a husband that isnt really here :(. do i leave? because nothing is changing ....