LONG post, sorry!! Early ovulation questions?

Hey ladies!
So my avg cycle is about 37 days. I was successful when TTC the first month off birth control and was successful (in November) but had a miscarriage in January... I have had 3 cycles since all fairly conistant with an average length of 37 days... Hubby and I have been trying ever since MC and have been unsuccessful and we have been sure to actively try during what should be fertile period. we had testing done to make sure there are no issues with either one of us and we're both healthy, fertile, and have no chromosome problems. Soooooo I have been closely monitoring CM since the middle of my last cycle... It really seems like I am ovulating now and it is only day 9 of my cycle.... Has anyone ever had/experienced/or heard of early ovulation!?! Sorry for the novel, any response is greatly appreciated!! Thank you ☺️