Need ideas for a thank you gift for my parents (long post)


My baby is due in a month, but I would really like to give my parents a thank you gift for everything they've done to help out me and my husband prepare for our baby. My parents live 5 hours away from us, but recently came to visit and brought a ton of baby clothes and other miscellaneous things that were on my registry. They also bought us a glider for the nursery. When they were here, my mom helped me out a TON with washing and folding baby clothes, blankets, and everything else that needed to be washed. They'll be coming to visit again when I'm in the hospital to take care of my dog, help with amything else that needs to get done, cooking, and to help with the baby for a couple days. I really feel like i can not thank them enough and would really love to give them a gift as a thank you, even though i know they dont expect anything. I was planning on giving them a "first christmas as grandma and grandpa" ornament for a christmas gift, but not sure what else i should get. Any ideas??  Also, Sorry for the super long post lol.