New Mom Rant / Get Out of My House


Hey everyone. I just really need to vent for a minute....Because I'm a new mom. My son is 1 month old today. And I feel like only people here will understand. Since my son has been born.... We had a few days the first week together, just me, my SO and baby. But since then we have had people at our house every single day and night. Don't get me wrong, I love it. I enjoy the company. I love my family. They have been so helpful. I haven't had to cook. They've helped with baby so I can go take a shower or do laundry. It's been very helpful. But my house is completely trashed. I don't even bother cleaning it or straightening it up because it just gets trashed the next day. My son has had bad gas today. So everyone is telling me he has colic and I need to order special bottles and do this and do that. No....He doesn't and I don't. He has gas? So do I. We had a giant Mexican dinner last night and I've consumed a ton of dairy. I recognize that and we are taking it easy the next few days to help him out. I've also been communicating with my doctor so we're well aware of his health. Another thing people with leave me alone him sleeping in our bed. I understand it can be dangerous. But he won't sleep in the bassinet. I don't sleep when he's in the bassinet. Right now he sleeps on my chest. And it works for us. We sleep and he's fine. His eating gets all screwed up because everyone holds him and gives him bottles and I can't keep track of how much he's eating when. We have no sort of routine. He and I were awake all night last night because of it. I love. my family...But I'm ready for everyone to get the fuck out of my house and spend time with my son and my SO. Rant over.