Sydni • 05/15/2019 👼🏼/ 🌈👶🏻 July 2020 💙

Okay, so AF should’ve come 11/3 I’m two days late. Before AF was to arrive I had mild cramping on my left side ( I not sure on how solid that logic is to determine pregnancy) for a little while it came and went. On only two days I can remember I felt nauseous. My boobs haven’t started to feel sore, and I can’t tell if my nipples are sensitive cause they always feel sensitive to me.. this morning 11/5 I felt period cramps, but I went to the bathroom and no blood. So I had sex with my husband to try and see if I could get AF to start because this wait is killing me and I didn’t want to jinx myself and waste a test. I only got emotional because I wanted to dress nice but the dress I wanted to wear doesn’t fit me because my boobs are too big. They seem to have gotten bigger.. I’ve obviously gained weight, but that’s totally before. I’m trying to conceive baby #️⃣1️⃣ and I have no idea what I’m doing or how to read my body..

I’m a dirt poor college student and I’m wondering if this is a brand you’d recommend from Walmart? If AF comes soon I’m gonna do whatever it takes to make sure I have a little one to join my family next month. I refuse to stop trying!!!!!!