Had an emergency csection at 32 weeks


my birth story is short but worth it .... I went into the hospital sat 11/4 I was having contractions 3 min apart lasting about 2 min long they gave me meds to try to stop my contractions it only helped for 45 min then they came back full force so they said I'll be having a csection in 30 min they prepped me and got me in the OR and at 5:38 pm my handsom son was born at 5 lbs 1 oz 17.75 inches long .... Here is my beautiful baby boy

update 11/7 HE is off his oxygen and doing great so far he will be put on a regular iv tomorrow morning he is such a squirmer he is constantly moving thank you for all the kind comments and the prayers it means alot to us .

update .... we are home and healthy thank you for all the kind words and continued prayers can't be any happier