RANT ๐Ÿ›‘๐Ÿ›‘๐Ÿ›‘๐Ÿ›‘

Iโ€™m so frustrated my sister is pregnant doesnโ€™t know whoโ€™s the dad she refuses to work at all so she can still kid Medicaid and food stamps she is good for is popping out kids anymore this is her 3ed and she is only 19 she and is refusing to tell me (my mom told me sheโ€™s pregnant) itโ€™s so frustrating she has an amazing life handed to her and these beautiful children but takes everything for granted she smokes weed runs around barely takes care of her kids and after two years of trying Iโ€™m finally pregnant and soon nobody will even care because the favorite (she literally is the favorite) is having another one my mom has literally stopped caring about my baby and is all focused on her new baby