PSA: for everyone that uses African black soap

Just scroll along if you don't use this soap but I want to tell everyone who does. Or if this gives you an idea for what to use to help acne well there you go. It says body wash but you can most def use it on your face. I know that on here ive seen quite a few people who say they use it.

I use this soap because it works VERY well. And it smells like heaven. PLUS it's cruelty free. I struggle with acne and I love this soap but didn't buy it often because it's like $10

I know that's not much but I live on a tight budget and only bought it when I had that extra $10

BUT, tonight I went to the store and they now have an equate brand for less than $5

This made me super happy!

They also have lotions and face masks in the off brand. Just letting everyone know!

The only difference is I think it has an ounce less than the shea moisturizer brand