Guy Problems😩

Chloe • ~Chloe Davis~

Okay Girls I need MAJOR help! Okay so story starts, I have an awesome best friend his name is Josh! We’ve been best friends for forever! He’s like an brother to me💜! Anyway so my girl best friend likes him and she’s like obsessed with him and here in September of 2016 I realized I liked him ALOT! I mean like a lot! So I was gonna tell him then she started liking him and now I can’t say anything because I like my beers friends crush and that would make me a terrible friend if I did. Plus he’s leaving in March of 2018 for The Marines and it’s so hard for me to let him go.. what should I do... MUCH HELP NEEDED PLEASE HELP!!!


I fessed up and told him everything and he took it really well he’s so sweet! Thank you girls for making me believe in myself! My new motto is ~You only Live once~