
So my boyfriend has been talking about marriage but I don't like his sister she so corny and he told me things about her that make me look at her side ways but that's his sister but its also corny to be telling me shit about her who am i ? she do a few things that I don't like and I hate her I feel he made me not like her telling me she still talk to his ex and she's bi idc but damn bitch suck all the dick and now you want to suck all the pussy pick a side.Its just annoying she used to speak but she realize I don't speak back I just don't like her I can't imagine marrying into his family.We been together for almost three years one minute me and his sister is cool next minute we don't talk I'm cool with that just keep that same energy don't just walk up to me talking one day because next time I'm not going to be nice and I'm going to ask why are you talking to me?🤷🏽‍♀️😂