31 weeks and fell down the stairs!


I'm officially 31 weeks tomorrow and earlier this afternoon I managed to fall down the stairs 😭 I immediately called a close friend (who is an RN) and she instructed me to drink a cold coke and do some kick counts. I counted about 2 kicks in 30min and decided to go in to L&D.; They did an ultrasound and NST to make sure my placenta didn't rupture and my little one was okay. Thankfully everything was completely fine. I wish I could say I didn't think I broke my ass bone on the way down but now I'm having some mild back discomfort and feel extremely stupid for being so clumsy 🙄 I can't remember the last time I fell as an adult and of course this would happen while pregnant. I'm just relieved my baby is okay, even though I'm pretty sure I broke my ass. I'll live though lol thanks for reading!