Breastfeeding and unwanted advice problems


My little man is 23 weeks old and I'm a SAHM. I only breast feed him and when he gets baby sat they will give him formula, although he's starting to really not want it so I'm about to start saving my pumping sessions. Anyway during the day he has his routine and after having second or so feeding and nap he will eat about every hour and a half to 3 hours. His naps range from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours normally on the short end. After he eats he will usually fall asleep on the boob and I will take him off it but keep him laying against me. Sometimes (like always) the dogs will start barking their heads off next to us and refuse to go outside or stop barking. This startles the baby awake so I will whip out the boob and he usually falls right back to sleep but doesn't like to come off the second time. I'm fine with it I'll just browse my phone or watch tv. My husband on the other hand gets so mad, everyday he tells me to stop letting huim fall asleep on the boob and I need to put him down. It really annoys me because he will hardly ever hold him, 10 minutes max. He has to rignht to tell me what to do and not do if he doesn't help out at all. Today he said I need to start him on real food because he is always hungry. His mom went on to say I need to start him on Rice cereal and such because she noticed that he'd always still hungry after I feed him. Which he is not, I let him eat until he won't take the boobie anymore then he burps and is a happy baby. Is there some sign here I'm missing that might indicate he is still hungry? I don't want him to feel hungry but I really don't think he is. He is gaining weight just fine, sleeps 10-12 hours straight every night and has plenty of wet and dirty diapers. Since he is breastfed I do not want to give him anything else until 6 months when his digestive system is mature enough to handle something else. They just don't seem to understand and think I'm crazy and keep pushing food on us EVERY SINGLE DAY. We live with my husband's parents for now which is getting worse for me everyday and my husband doesn't understand AT ALL. I just feel like I can not raise my baby the way I want to with them always there giving my "advice " they expect me to follow. And I don't think it's fair they (husband and his parents) expect me to give the baby to them individually everyday to play with until he has a dirty diaper while I clean up all their messes. I almost always pick up after myself like wash off my dishes and throw my trash away and put all my things where they belong because I am OCD like that and they cannot do any of that themselves, then bitch about the house being a wreck. Why am I expected to clean up after them constantly? I have MY infant baby to look after and keep busy. We have been living here a month before my baby was born and all this stress is starting to pile up way to high and I apparently am starting to get a snotty tone of voice with them. I don't catch it but once in a while and my husband lectures me on it everyday now. I don't have any space to my own because I cannot stay in my room 24/7 ... ugh any advice of some options here? We are planning on moving out next April when we can but until then... 5 or 6 month of barely coping.... I do love them but I need my own space that i am not getting. Oh and his father is home 24/7 as well so that's why I never have any time to myself with the baby. This is my first baby so I want that special alone together while he's a baby and I feel like I am completely robbed of that.