Funny story (to me anyways)

My ex was VERY abusive physically and mentally, it got worse after I had our son. He destroyed me literally, and has fed people many lies about me to make him look good and me look like the shitty one. The abuse was so bad that I now have very bad anxiety and I’m terrified to even look at another man let alone date one, I was also only 14 when we got together (now 18) so I was still super young.

Well I haven’t talked to him in awhile, he left me and our son went and started dating a 15 year old (he’s also 18 almost 19) and got her pregnant.

My sister went to a party last night at her friends house, who also happened to know my ex which my sister didn’t know they knew each other and actually almost invited me to come with her. Well he didn’t remember who she was (she used to be on drugs and got clean so she looks completely different now) well one of their mutual friends introduced them and she casually asked “what does Chloe mean to you.”

He said “That crazy fucking bitch? She doesn’t mean shit to me.”

She said “well that crazy fucking bitch is my sister.”

He. Looked. Like. He. Knew. He. Fucked. Up.

Her fiancé had to drag her away before they started fighting (they were all drunk and my sister can get vicious when drunk.) well her fiancé doesn’t know much about the situation between us but when she told him he almost turned around and went to beat the hell out of him.

I used to feel horrible about myself, he would call me ugly and fat and just tell me about all these girls that were prettier than me, she told me that it looks like he hasn’t showered in a month and looks HUGE, and really let himself go after we broke up.

I should feel bad but I don’t, he’s getting his karma and for the first time in over a year I just started feeling good about myself again, I feel pretty and strong again, quite frankly his ass deserves everything he gets handed to him.❤️

And this also proves that he literally talks shit about me to people he doesn’t even know since he didn’t even remember her until she told him. Which is pretty sad of him. Oh and yes he talks this way about the mother of his first child, (which he also doesn’t care about.)