Baby’s father!

Hi Ladies, I need advise. I’m currently 37 +4 weeks and now.. single.

After 4 years together and a countdown of days to my baby’s due date.

My whole pregnancy I been with my bf — and going to school/ internship/ study/ & work — he’s been there for me, and everything was fine. But now recently the past couple of weeks its like he’s had a change of heart about being with me and having a child — he says he’s not ready and that I MADE the decision for him to have a baby and that I’m a grown women. I should make my own money (which I do) and to never ask him (from the times that I do). That I’ve made him ‘hate’ the baby because all I do is stress him out... and that the baby is MY responsibility and not his. And that I better not put him on child support because he’s gonna “handle business” and kill me. (His words)... he also says now he doesn’t want his daughter to have his last name to give him mine.

Yet Still yesterday night even after all this when I felt like I was having contractions my 1st instinct was to call him to let him know of course, & still... He huffed and puffed the whole time and told me all I do is stress him out and to call my mom why am I calling him and if I had the baby he’ll get there when he can and that I stress him out so much he’s gonna put me now on the block list. WTF, it’s not that f*ckin easy and simple!! This was really his reaction when I told him I think I might have to go to the hospital that I think I’m feeling contractions that it might be time but I wasn’t sure.

He’s turned into a true animal with me. & honestly so wrong and I feel like unforgivable at this point. I feel so sad and hurt by this treatment and I’m sooo close to my due date and feel like it’s so unfair to me, finally getting to the finish line this should had been such a happy time for us BOTH to go through together— but besides that fact my baby girl is going to be here soon! And I don’t know what to do, regarding him

Regarding him do I even let him know when I go into labor now. Do I let him know when I deliver?? Do I even let anyone from his family know even though my anger is obviously directly towards him.

At this point in time I have no idea what the right decision is to do. Because what I want to do is cut ALL ties completely from him and even his family! I want no reminder of that friggen bum. His goal in life is now is to be a deadbeat and I just can’t deal and its too stressful with still trying to make it through school and working and interning. I have 14 days left till my due date I should be resting and relaxing. Not crying all day and stressed and still trying to make it through my days that are way too busy

Please advise ladies! What would you guys do