Early Period or Early Miscarriage??


This month I started my birth control a few days late, and the pharmacist said I could take two pills on Wednesday, then three on Thurs, then two on Fri, and would be back on track (if that makes sense?)

So I took two, then three, and then felt really sick all day after that. I took two the next day and still felt really sick, so tbh I just stopped taking them and decided I'd wait until my next period to start the next pack.

During the time I was catching up, my boyfriend and I had unprotected sex, and I know that b.c. doesn't protect until you've been on it regularly for the full cycle pack.

Experienced cramps all night at work yesterday and a little bit of spotting (dark brown blood) overnight with more cramps. Not super intense, but noticeable.

Is there any way to tell if it is an early period starting or if I may have suffered an early pregnancy miscarriage?