Tips and advice on TTC. ANYTHING is better than nothing.


me and my fiance have been TTC for about 3 months now. I have checked many different sites on when my ovulation should be. they all vary by a few days. but my period always comes on the day it says that it will. so far we haven't got a BFP Im wondering if anyone has any tips.. should i start taking prenatals? should i get an ovulayion kit? we have sex every other day and every day during my "fertile window". anyone who has similar problems that has concieved, can you give me some tips please? He already has a son, so I know he isnt "shooting blanks". I myself do not have any children. Im 23 years old. I have regular periods. we are trying really hard, but we also keep it fun(not like its a job) I would GREATLY appreciate ANY tips and info. Thank you. and good luck to everyone who is TTC. I hope thw day comes soon for you all. 😊😊